"Just because today is a terrible day doesn't mean tomorrow might not be the best day of your entire life. You just have to wake up and get there."

Let me start this blog with two disclaimers.
2. In a previous post I stated "I will never get sick of this Adele song." That is SUCH a lie. I can't even begin to tell you how freaking sick of that song I am. I do not care if they could have had it all. However, I'll never get sick of her new song. Ever.

So let me tell you about the last two weeks, eh? Last Monday I was robbed. Yesterday my car died. Ok, nice chat!

No but really, I had some credit cards and my license taken from my purse at work last Monday. Totally sucked. Luckily I have an awesome Mom who helped me and is also good at understanding me when I'm hysterical. After the initial panic we were able to get everything pretty much taken care of. I'm still waiting on a driver's license so until then I get to use my passport. Fortunately its a really flattering photo.

In the meantime I realized there are zero Chase banks in the state of Massachusetts. Who would have thought? Not me. So this means that without any valid checks and no way of cashing my paychecks I found myself in a new pickle. I opened a new account with a bank here WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS, DO NOT ROB ME. But it means waiting a few weeks for new checks, waiting 5 days for every check I deposit to clear for the first 30 days, etc. etc. FUN. I did get approved for a credit card with a credit limit that they should never have told me so apparently I have good credit for now. Hopefully that will come in handy if....

...I have to buy a new car. My sweet, sweet Geo is currently dead as a doornail in the driveway. Tricia has triple A and they're coming later to hopefully bring him back to life. Whether they are able to save him or not, I will probably at least start seriously looking for a new car because I have a feeling he is trying to tell me that he's not planning on being around much longer. *Sniff* Apparently car years are not the same as human years. Side note for anyone who may not have known this- do not waste your time and energy trying to push a car that will not shift out of park. It seems they're designed to not move while in park.

In all seriousness, other than some minor details like not being sure if my car works, technically driving illegally without my license, not really being able to access my money at the moment and it being  104 degrees outside things are good here! No really, I still love Boston. Love my roommates, love the city, love my window air conditioner, love the fact that there's a cupcake place 0.2 miles from my house and love that I have visitors coming soon!

"Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need."

The time has finally come! Time to show you my room! If you choose to also interpret this as the time having finally come for me to unpack the final box that was haunting me you would not be incorrect. First I'll show you some of the before pictures I took.

The beginning! Light blue walls, dark blue trim and dirty, smelly carpet.

There aren't any pictures of this but my dad and I spent the majority of the first day cleaning/shampooing the carpet. Unfortunately the girl who lived in my room before me had a very cute but very smelly dog. My dad was a huge help with the carpet and painting as well as helping me assemble a bunch of things! 

Here's a delicious photo of some of the things I vacuumed up.

Lots of holes to patch. You can also see the dark spots where there were things hanging before.

And the purple begins!

Just a really flattering picture for you all.

And here's the finished product! Sorry for the skinny, iphone shaped video. I also realize I say about 12 different things are the best things ever. 

"So just live, have wonderful times and make mistakes but never second guess where you've been, where you are, and most of all where you're going."

It has been almost a month since my dad and I hit the road for Boston so I thought I would take a look at the list of things I was hoping to accomplish when I left and see how it's coming. Here's my assessment of 1-5.

  1. Figure out how to get out of my own head all the time.
    • Eh. Depends on the day...
  2. Be okay with being bored once in awhile.
    •  Absolutely! I think that it has come as a sort of side-effect of living in a big city. I can't say I have been bored once since I've been here. It feels like there is constantly something to do so if I'm not doing anything it's probably because I'm exhausted or craving some Friends/Gilmore Girls action.
  3. Learn new things.
    • I wish I'd been a little bit more specific with myself on this one. I've certainly learned things like where I live...what borders Massachusetts (some...)...where the cheapest grocery store is...how much a drink costs in a Boston bar (I MISS THE CACTUS)...I can almost get to/from work without my gps...but I can't necessarily say I feel like I've accomplished this one yet. I'm not sure what it is that will make me feel like I have but perhaps I will know it when I learn it. 
I'm being honest...I'd never get Vermont.
     4.   Enjoy myself.
    •  Yes, yes a million times yes! I really couldn't say the number of times I've just been smiling to myself. Whether it's remembering a place from my first trip here or just realizing what an awesome city I live in, I am definitely content more often than not. I think my post about walking is probably a testament to that. Side note: I also enjoyed an amazing bike ride today although there were slightly more near-death encounters than while walking. I see why most people wear helmets here.
Pictures from my bike ride today:
MIT from the bike path
My favorite view of the skyline
    5.   Find a church.
    • I have tried out a few churches since I've been here and I found one I enjoy. They have a contemporary service which tends to have a younger crowd and I really like it. Love the music!  It's sort of an interesting process when looking for a church because it's difficult to decide what you don't like about a church versus what you just don't want to hear. There's not going to be a church that tells you that everything you decide to do is the right thing just because you want to do it. Believe it or not on very rare occasions I tend to mess up. Instead, I'm trying to find a church that makes me think and learn in a way that I connect with. Learning a lot!
Well there's the first half of the list! I'd say I'm very pleased. I don't know if I could love this city any more than I do.  SO glad I don't hate it because moving is a pain. in. the. butt.