"Learn not only to find what you like, learn to like what you find."

I'm not on my computer at the moment and thus have no access to my pictures but I assure you all that a recap of Michelle's visit is forthcoming sometime before Easter. In the meantime I thought I'd recap the second half of my list since I'm A.D.D. (I'm realizing now how improper the grammar of that is. It's like saying I'm schizophrenia.) and clearly can't focus on any one topic for more than one blog. So here we go.

     6. Read more.
    • It's going pretty well! I wouldn't say I've been voracious about it but I'm averaging about a book every three weeks which is FAR more than I'd been doing. The three I've completed so far are:
      •  Bossy Pants by Tina Fey-HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND. HILARIOUS!
      •  One Day by David Nicholls- there's a movie about this now with Anne Hathaway...don't really care to see it because I really didn't care for the book. 
      • Are You There, Vodka? It's Me Chelsea. by Chelsea Handler- pretty funny but not as good as Bossy Pants. 
      • Right now I'm reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett which is really good so far. Hopefully I'll finish it soon then convince someone to go see the movie with me.
     7. Exercise...regularly.
    • I imagine my previous blog acknowledges that I'm doing a fairly decent job of this. I will admit that the past 3 days or so have been the worst in the last few weeks thanks to crazy schedules, a trip to New York and a fun little 24-hour flu of sorts but by tomorrow that should be back on track!
     8. Choose to be positive.
    • I am really proud of myself on this one to be honest. Excluding rush-hour traffic, of course. Realistically, I definitely have some crappy days where I over-think, dwell too much or just get frustrated but I really think my perspective in the last few months has changed drastically. Little things bother me a lot less than they used to and I find my happiness tends to be much less related to other people's opinions than it once was. I imagine knowing there are some seriously unfavorable opinions about me may have forced me to get to that place but I think what it really taught me was that there are people who know me and know my heart and they always have. Maybe I thought more people did than was actually the case but it is what it is. Life is way too short. 
     9. Cook a little more and microwave a little less.
    • I have sucked royally. Like...beyond royally. Here are my excuses:
      1. I live in Boston so there are an infinite amount of restaurants that must be tried. 
      2. Kyle's roommate, Chris, and occasionally Kyle, make delicious food! Plus I happen to enjoy sitting on the couch blogging while watching them be this cute in the kitchen:


Chris explaining how to brown hamburger. 

     10. Have patience.
    • I really don't remember what I was referring to when I said this. So...I'm counting it as a smashing success. 

“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.”

I interrupt this recap of visits to announce my latest bout of inspiration. I signed up for a 10k. For the record, I am in absolutely no condition to run a 10k right now but I am hoping that in the next 6 weeks I will be. The race is on October 16th and it's along the river in Boston. I have been told that the weather will be nice by Mister "I-can-apparently-predict-the-weather-slash-I-will-tell-you-whatever-you-want-to-hear-if-it-will-get-you-to-sign-up-and-run-this-with-me." For the record, he also goes by "I-just-ran-a-marathon."  He has a lot of names. He also goes by Kyle but I anticipate I'll just address him as "SLOW DOWN" for the next 6 weeks. I did warn him today that there is a certain point every time I run where I literally hate the world so hopefully I won't lash out...Another big concern is that apparently training for a 10k also means we can't get ice cream virtually every day so we'll see how I deal with that.

Anyway, I am actually excited about it. I have been fairly lazy lately so this should help. I also have this T-shirt from high school cross country that says "Yes...I run for fun" and I'd like to get somewhere near a point where I'm not embarrassed to wear it taking out the garbage.

I'm telling all of you about this race so hopefully you will ask me about it for the next month or so. That way I'll keep up with it because I'll be too embarrassed to tell you I quit. Dad, I'm going to ask you to run with me when I'm home in a few weeks!