"The best things in life are free. The second best are e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e."

Piece of mind is currently on sale at Target for $99.

Yesterday I bit the bullet and upgraded from my TomTom One. Yes, that's actually it's name- TomTom One. Because it really was the first one. I had been trying to avoid it with the idea that if I could get accustomed to the roads with my ancient friend then I wouldn't really need one anymore slash also sort of hoping that whenever I get a new car it might be fancy enough to have one built in.

Anyway, after yesterday's rant I decided it was time to consider upgrading from this bad boy:
To this city slickah:
Mmmmm...Hello, lovah.

I had to be at work at 9:00 today and considering it's taken me over an hour to get home during rush hour, I had no idea how bad it would be in the morning so I gave myself an hour and a half to be safe. I am thrilled to say that I took a 40 minute nap in the parking lot. It was glorious! I did not have to turn 17 times and I didn't hate my life once! On the way home the "traffic" feature wasn't as impressive and I ended sitting for a little while but still made it back in about an hour.

So all in all, if things continue on this path I will be a very happy girl!

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