"Sometimes the good stuff doesn't make sense"

Hooray! I have found blog inspiration. Aka I found a picture on pinterest that tells me what to talk about for the next 30 days. No promises that I will do this everyday but I do plan on going through all 30. I may do a few at once every few days. We'll see. I'm also fairly certain that no one reads this anymore because I suck at it but in that case I'll be less worried about what you'll think. Since you are just a pretend reader in my mind.  So here it is:

Day 01- Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

So I take this to mean that if I'm not single I should not discuss it and no one cares. BUT GUESS WHAT? It's my blog and Imma do what I want.

I am in a relationship that makes me happy everyday. I find myself becoming a better, more selfless person because of it. He is kind, patient and understanding. He also drives me nuts and sometimes I want to throw him out the window but I think that's because he makes me crazy in a really good way. I am a planner and being in this relationship is forcing me to be okay with not knowing and I do think I'm getting there. The closer we get the more I learn about myself and oddly the more independent I feel. Also, he's really good lookin.

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